4 Ways Your Child Can Benefit From A Pre-Kindergarten Program


Often, school is a child's first real foray into the wider world. Sending your child off to school for the first time can be so exciting, but it can be hard to know when is the right time. You may be unsure whether or not a pre-kindergarten program is right for your child. Here are four ways pre-kindergarten can benefit your child.

1. Teach reading skills.

Children often start pre-kindergarten at the age of 3 or 4, before they can learn to read. While your child may be too young to learn reading, they aren't too young to learn the foundations that will help them read in a couple of years. In pre-kindergarten, your child will learn to recognize letters of the alphabet, a skill that will come in handy for reading.

2. Hone language skills.

Kids are more adept at learning languages than their adult counterparts, and many families take advantage of this fact to raise their children bilingually. However, children who learn a second language at home may initially be less adept at using English. According to National Public Radio, pre-kindergarten programs are an excellent place for bilingual children to hone their English language skills in a supportive environment.

3. Broaden their horizons.

Pre-kindergarten often focuses on experiential learning that gets your child out into the world. Your child may get to go on field trips to learn new things about your community. For instance, your child's class may take a trip to the museum to learn about art. Children are naturally curious, and pre-kindergarten allows that curiosity to be put to good use.

4. Make new friends.

One of the biggest benefits of pre-kindergarten is the fact that it allows your child to meet lots of new friends. While you may take your child on play dates and trips to the park, nothing compares to your child experiencing a community of peers for the first time. Your child's class may be filled with kids from diverse backgrounds, giving your child the chance to interact with lots of different kinds of people. Early socialization will help your child grow into a happy and confident adult.

These are just a few of the ways pre-kindergarten can help your child excel. A pre-kindergarten program is stimulating for your child's mind and a great way to help them learn the routines they'll need later in school. If you've made your decision, you should get in touch with a pre-kindergarten representative to ask about enrolling your child today.


27 November 2018

Supporting Your Child Through The Transition To Daycare

Hello, my name is Aaron. Welcome to my site. I am excited to talk to you about the process of supporting your child during the transition to child care outside of the home. When children start going to daycare or preschool, they need assistance making the transition or meltdowns could ensue. You can help your kid adjust to the changes without strife by following the tips on my site. Please feel free to utilize the tactics I provide to keep your kid feeling supported and loved during this abrupt change. Thank you for visiting my site. I hope to see you again soon.